Friday, February 25, 2011

Getting my drink on!

Water has never been a friend of mine, since it contains no sugar, of course! Now however, I am welcoming it with open arms into my daily routine, and have been trying to consume ½ my body weight (in ounces) of water every day. It is helping to keep me full, and my bladder occupied. I have never had so much agua in my life! Lemon slices have been a fantastic addition & I have tried some of the Crystal light product, which is good, but I prefer the lemon slices. Sometimes, it's been hard to choke it down since I'm drinking so darn much of it! The other thing that I have noticed in relation to the increase in hydration, is my skin looks GREAT! That is another huge perk. So, I'm gettin' my drink on! 
I have spent 60 minutes a day on cardiovascular fitness for the last 5 out of 7 days this week, and as a result, I have more energy & am not as tired as I often was. That is a great feeling! I have had a slight difference on the scale, but nothing sizeable really & I am trying to just let it be, focusing more on the surge of energy I am having, and being pleased with that result.
Lucy Liu, my Boarder Collie, has been getting to go for walks more often & will also benefit from my efforts. She still doesn’t know how to behave on a leash & I find that highly irritating, but I can’t blame her, can I? Caesar Milan: The Dog Whisperer has some good tips so I am working to incorporate my inner “pack leader” vibe & transfer it to Lucy. With any luck, we will be a happy couple walking & jogging together someday!
Now- Let’s get on with the weekend!!

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