Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Feeling great!!

I have to take a minute to brag. I spent all weekend working out or staying active in some way…and had a great time doing it! Saturday morning I woke up and popped in my Turbo Jam DVD, hit it hard for 30 minutes, then decided that I wanted to take the dogs out for a stroll. My “stroll” turned into a fast paced nearly 4 mile walk! The dogs were pooped once we returned home an hour later! It was great. Then, on Sunday, I got up and did a 20 minute abs DVD (that is a killer) and then another 30 minutes with Turbo Jam. Later that evening, Rick & I decided to take the dogs outside; another 45 minutes in exercise added to my day!
It is so strange because I find that I am really feeling great. I am sleeping better, waking up with more energy & feel like I am more alert. What great benefits! In addition to that…my blood pressure was NORMAL for the first time in months, even since on new BP meds. I really believe I will get myself off of the meds all together! And soon, too.  
I am also continuing on with Isagenix nutrition & cleansing system. I had my doubts, but it is more evident now than ever that I need to be feeding my body proper nutrients and cleanse myself of toxins that have built up over time. Can’t help but think that maybe Isagenix will keep me Cancer free, by cleansing. Wouldn’t that be an awesome thing?
You know, I have always wanted to be involved in helping others achieve health and wellness because I know how it feels not to have it. With Isagenix, I can do that!

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