Saturday, March 5, 2011

My first official “cleanse” day is complete! And guess what? I didn’t die from hunger!

The morning began relatively well. I had my Cleanse drink & packed a few IsaSnacks & 3 celery stalks to take to work with me. When I got to work (which has been a carnival of stress lately,) I found that someone had made a delicious chocolate cake for us all to enjoy as a “reward” for all the hard work we have put in lately. Cake as a reward? Ha! That is EXACTLY the type of thinking that got me into this whole hefty-mess I’m stuck in now. No thank you! May I just say that when one of my co-workers felt the need to point out that the cake was there, even saying, “well, not to tempt you or anything, but…” I lifted my chin and boldly proclaimed “That cake doesn’t look half as good to me as my scale did this morning, so I’ll pass thanks.” And I trotted off down the isle, past the cake & didn’t even glance at it. “Did I just say that, really?” I asked myself.  And, even stranger than the fact those words tumbled out of my mouth, & so quickly, was that I really meant it too! “Right on girl”, I said to myself, feeling more proud than I have in ages. A little secret was that earlier that morning, just 2 days following my post about my 5lbs loss, was that my scale counted me as a full pound lighter! I literally had to look at the needle again because I have not seen it that far away from the 200 mark in years. The 6 points felt like 60 to me…and I was high from it all day. I munched on my IsaSnacks, drank my 4 cleanse drinks, and ate a bit of celery (which ended up tasting like a packet of salt by the afternoon, so I just threw it out) & chugged my 96oz of H20.
So, how did I feel from the cleanse itself? I must preface this answer by stating that I was warned I might not feel well as my body began to release toxins, so I expected to be down & out. In addition, I take a medication for hypertension & 2 of the ingredients in the cleanse drink are known to have a “moderate” interaction with my specific medication. So…to answer. I felt okay. A bit lightheaded & dizzy a few times, but eating an IsaSnack helped make me feel better & took the edge off. The water helped a ton too. The best part  was knowing that someday soon, I’m going to take those BP meds & throw them out the window because I will no longer need them.  I mean it. I will normalize my blood pressure by taking unhealthy weight off, & providing my body with the best nutrition out there. I have 100% faith in that.
I visited the scale again this morning, to see what the result of my cleansing was. The difference from yesterday morning to this morning was 2 lbs! Holy Moley! I got off the scale, picked it up & wiped it off gently, polishing its lovely little window while rays of sunshine were streaming in on my smiling face. It was a magical moment!

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